On Prime Tyme Action Sports feat. Presley & Slater Thomas
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On this episode of the Carlsbad People, Purpose, and Impact Podcast, Bret Schanzenbach spoke with brothers, Presley and Slater Thomas. Together, Presley and Slater host Prime Tyme Action Sports on YouTube where they talk about all things sports!
Their passion for sports inspired them to run a YouTube channel, which now has over one million views worldwide. Whether they’re talking about professional sports in San Diego, their Super Bowl pick, or their weekly prediction, they bring insight, analysis, and a lot of fun to every episode. Not only do they cover mainstream sports, like basketball, football, and baseball, they also discuss others, including boxing and MMA. In this conversation, they talk about how they started their YouTube channel, the various sports they cover, and their insights on recent games.
Ready for Prime Tyme
Presley and Slater Thomas began their channel, Prime Tyme Sports out of their passion for sports. They graduated from Carlsbad High School, and soon afterward, each began their jobs. Presley works in customer service for medical sales, and Slater runs his own business where he repairs surfboards. However, when they come home every day, they always talk about the highlights from the sports world. Their passion inspired them to share their discussions with others through their YouTube channel.
“It's just kind of the daily life of the Thomas brothers,” Presley says. “We talk about weekly sports, yearly sports, whether it's the players or the team. We break down local sports—that's what we mainly focus on, SD sports, whether you love them or hate them… People tell us what they want to hear, we talk about it, give our opinions. They give us feedback and it's just something that me and my brother can just bond about just every day. And then we get to show the world our passion and love for sports.”
They release two episodes a week where they talk about the latest news, their predictions for the week, and more. Through their channel, they’ve been able to speak with people in the sports industry, including Joey Beltran, the bare-knuckles boxer and mixed martial artist, as well as former NFL player, Michael Coe. Certainly, part of what makes their channel so engaging is that they cover so many sports, from football to baseball to basketball to MMA, which according to Slater is the fastest growing sport in the world.
“The thing about fighting and boxing, or just mixed martial arts is that everyone can relate to it,” Slater explains. “[It’s not] like in soccer or cricket, you don't have to know the rules… In fighting, everybody knows what happens when someone gets head-kicked or someone gets knocked out or something like that. Everyone can relate to fighting. Everyone's had a fight in their own life.”
It’s this connective aspect of sports that the brothers love. Their dream is to broadcast live from the Super Bowl and cover a UFC event, so they can continue to reach more people and more fully engage in the sports they love.
If you want to learn more about Presley and Slater, watch their channel, or suggest a topic for them to cover, click on one of the links below!
Interview Links
Watch Prime Tyme Action Sports here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrimeTymeActionSports.
Reach out to Presley Thomas: presleythomas760@gmail.com.
Connect with Prime Tyme Action Sports on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primetymesports.
Follow Prime Tyme Action Sports on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/primetymesports/.
Did you like what you heard? This show is produced by Imagine Podcasting dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. For more, visit https://www.imaginepodcasting.com/.