90% of people don’t understand what their core talents are. Join Tracey Spangenberg as she helps people find their genius and apply it to business.
Tracey Spangenberg is an operational optimizer, and believes that if you put the right person in the right place doing the right thing (according to their unique talents), they’ll thrive and you won’t need to manage them. Sounds easy? Turns out there’s a lot more to it, and her proven 5-step system “Harvesting the Collective Genius” is the roadmap many small businesses have used to successfully revamp their organization’s operations.
Join her and learn about how her firm, TJS Consulting helps businesses of all types thrive - and how aligning employees with their natural talents helps overcome and smooth out the hurdles every business faces.
Let’s Get Social! Tracey’s Website: https://www.consultingwithtjs.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDUNKT9fB15oW44yfsjI55w
Produced by https://www.imaginepodcasting.com/